Monday, December 7, 2009

"Couri" Has Sued Hundreds of People and Businesses in NY County Supreme Court, Alone. Almost all in a Self-Represented Capacity.

JAMES C. COURI is a PROLIFIC PRO SE LITIGANT. After "making a living" at the 60 Centre Street Courthouse for decades, recently Mr. Couri commenced an internet-based campaign alleging the Courthouse suffers from widespread corruption. Mr. Couri claims he observed court corruption first hand while watching his father and his father's political cronies. Later in life, Mr. Couri claims to have befriended attorney Roy Cohn who, Mr. Couri claims, caused brown paper bags containing cash to be delivered to judges in exchange for favorable decisions.

Mr. Couri's charaterizations of his father and Roy Cohn, however, have nothing to do with Mr. Couri's eviction from the Pavia-owned apartment, and the only cash that exchanged hands, was the $160,000 recovered from Mr. Couri.

Mr. Couri's claims against Mr. Pavia have been fully litigated two and three times. Notably, Mr. Couri FAILED TO PERFECT HIS APPEAL of the jury's verdict. It is wholly inconsistent for Mr. Couri to claim his legal rights were violated and for him to not pursue his appeal.

Readers of this blog are free to contact the hundreds of parties sued by Mr. Couri. My educated guess is that they will give you an earful about how the court system was more than fair to Mr. Couri.

Notably, only three of Couri's lawsuits filed in New York County were filed BEFORE 1996. Remember, these are just the cases in New York County Supreme Court filed by Mr. Couri as a plaintiff. The list does not include cases where Couri is a defendant, or cases brought in other state or federal jurisdictions, nor does it include lawsuits brought by companies he owned or controlled.

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